Our Mobile NIR Spectroscopy Solutions provide information about the chemical composition of any sample on a molecular level.
NIR Spectroscopy – Tomato case
In near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, unique features of the material are observed by shining a specific wavelength of infrared light on them. A specific pattern of this invisible light is reflected back by the object, and this pattern is unique for each material – like a fingerprint. Infrared light can be detected with infrared detectors that convert the reflected radiation into an electrical signal.
This is illustrated above: Short-wave infrared light is emitted, and parts are reflected by the tomatoes. This reflection is detected by our infrared detector, which is in direct contact with the sample, and converted into a graph. With our comprehensive chemical expertise, trinamiX can deduce specific information about the tomatoes, including the water or sugar content, which helps to determine the ripeness and/or market readiness of the tomatoes.